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Gramm-Leach-Bliley Privacy Notice

Federal law requires FinanceHQ to disclose certain facts about the information we collect about you when you use our website and the services contained therein (the “Service”), and provides you with certain opportunities to limit how this information is disclosed. Please read this notice carefully to better understand what we collect, how we disclose it, and what rights you have with respect to your information.

‍What categories of information do we collect?

‍Typically, we collect information that is relevant to the Service, such as data to connect you with an applicable member of our advisor network. For example, we may collect your name, birthdate, relevant financial information, zip code, and contact information, such as your email address, phone number, and home location. This information is collected when you provide it to use the Service and may include nonpublic personal information (“NPI”) and sensitive financial data.

‍More specifically, we may collect the following categories of personal information:

Identifying Information, such as name, email address, and phone number.

Background Information, such as racial or ethnic origin, marital status, sexual orientation, sex, or age, some of which may include protected class data along with other categories.

Financial Information, such as investable assets, income, and net worth.

Professional Information, such as employment or education experience.

Sensitive Information, which may include the categories above.

Technical Information, such as device, internet, and network information, including data from cookies and related technologies, search and browsing history related to the Service and interaction with our marketing, and geolocation information from a device IP address.

With whom do we share your information?

‍Below are the categories of third parties with whom we may share the information outlined above:

Service Providers, such as our data storage provider, customer service, and hosting services, that we use to provide the Service to you.

Affiliates, or companies that have common ownership or control to FinanceHQ. This includes financial and nonfinancial companies.

Nonaffiliates who provide services, such as financial advisors, service providers, and joint marketing partners.

Other nonaffiliates, such as nonaffiliates who are not involved in providing the Service. We only disclose to nonaffiliated third parties as permitted by law.

Joint marketing partners, such as financial advisors with whom we have entered into agreements to keep your information secure.

How is your information used?

‍Financial companies are allowed to share information for certain specific reasons. Below is a list of authorized reasons, whether we share your information because of these reasons, and whether you have the right to limit this sharing under federal law.

‍Note that certain state laws may give you additional rights to limit the information we share. For more information about what other rights you may have to limit sharing of your information, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reasons financial companies can share your information
What information do we share for this reason?
Can you limit the information shared under federal law?
To provide the service you have asked us to provide. We can share the information we collect from you to provide the Service to you, by connecting you with financial advisors at your request.
Sensitive information and technical information
To protect our rights. We can share the information we collect from you to guard against fraud, unauthorized transactions, claims, or other liability, as well as to minimize risk or to resolve customer disputes or inquiries. We may also share your information with law enforcement or as required by law, and can share with our own attorneys, accountants, auditors, and those assessing our compliance with industry standards.
For our own marketing purposes. We may share the information we collect about you to offer our own products and services to you.
Sensitive information and technical information
For joint marketing with other financial companies. We may share this information to jointly market with other financial companies, such as the financial advisors that we connect you with.
Sensitive information and technical information
Affiliate business purposes. We may share information about your transactions and experiences with our affiliates.
Sensitive information and technical information
Affiliate business purposes—creditworthiness. We may share information about your creditworthiness with affiliates.
Yes; however, we do not share this information
Marketing by nonaffiliates. We may share your information with nonaffiliates to market to you.
Sensitive information and technical information

How can you limit sharing?

We will not share your information for any category which you have the right to limit for at least the first 30 days after you create your account with us. Additionally, you can email us any time to limit our sharing of your information at legal@financehq.com.

Additionally, remember that this document only discusses your rights to limit sharing under applicable federal law. You may have additional rights to limit the sharing of information under state law. For more information on that, please see our Privacy Policy.

How do we protect your information?

We take your information privacy seriously. We do not store physical copies of your data, and access to your digital data is restricted to those with a legitimate need to view and access that information. Additionally, users have individualized login credentials so we can track access and revoke access to specific users if we suspect their credentials may have become compromised.

We utilize both firewalls and encryption to safeguard against unauthorized access. All of our employees and contractors undergo regular security training and we perform stress tests of our system’s security features at least once annually. In addition, we have a designated compliance officer who reviews our policies regularly to ensure that we are taking advantage of technological advances to further protect your information. Because no system is completely free of the risk of unauthorized access, we also train our workforce on how to detect and quickly respond to any suspected data security incidents.