Updated May 30, 2024

Marsh Wealth Management, LLC

Investment Advisor Firm
Total assets under management$97M
Years in business9+

About Marsh Wealth Management, LLC

Marsh Wealth Management, LLC is a boutique fiduciary firm specializing in customized investment wealth management services, financial planning, and healthcare strategies. With their expertise, they aim to help clients make informed decisions that maximize the potential of their savings.

One of the core principles at Marsh Wealth Management is the belief that successful investing relies on a well-diversified portfolio that is regularly rebalanced according to each client's risk tolerance. They emphasize that research has shown active investing or timing the market to be ineffective in the long run. In fact, according to the 2020 US SPIVA scorecard, more than 60% of active managers across various categories underperformed their respective benchmarks over a 10-15 year period.

Instead of trying to outguess the market or chase past performance, Marsh Wealth Management follows a strategic style of investing based on key fundamentals. They understand that financial markets tend to reward long-term investors and construct portfolios with smart diversification on a global scale. Furthermore, they recognize that markets are inherently efficient and aim to separate emotions from investing decisions, as emotions can often lead to poor choices.

Marsh Wealth Management also values a long-term perspective and looks beyond daily headlines. By focusing on overarching goals rather than short-term fluctuations in the market, they aim to guide clients toward sustainable financial growth.

Pricing options

Monthly Fee
Flat Fee
Hourly Fee
Assets Under Management

Regulatory filings

Areas of specialty

  1. Wealth Management
  2. Financial Planning
  3. Healthcare Strategies

More about Marsh Wealth Management, LLC

DesignationsMinimum asset threshold
Registered Investment AdvisorN/A
Firm CRD NumberNumber of advisors

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Pricing options

Monthly Fee
Flat Fee
Hourly Fee
Assets Under Management

Regulatory filings