Updated May 30, 2024

3EDGE Asset Management, LP

Investment Advisor Firm
Total assets under management$1.3B
Years in business9+

About 3EDGE Asset Management, LP

3EDGE Asset Management is a globally recognized investment management firm catering to institutional investors and private clients. With a presence in Naples, FL; Boston, MA; and Irvine, CA, they offer a wide range of investment management services.

The firm specializes in providing tactical diversification strategies designed to deliver consistent, long-term investment returns, irrespective of market conditions, all while effectively managing downside risks. Their mission is to empower clients to focus on their lives while entrusting market navigation to their expert team.

3EDGE embraces active, tactical investment management, adjusting strategies in response to evolving global market conditions. Unlike traditional portfolios that may remain fully invested regardless of market signals, 3EDGE seeks to manage portfolio risk and smooth market volatility to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns.

Their commitment to excellence extends to all aspects of their business, combining technology with a human touch to understand clients' needs and help them meet their financial objectives.

Pricing options

Monthly Fee
Flat Fee
Hourly Fee
Assets Under Management

Regulatory filings

Areas of specialty

  1. Investment Management

More about 3EDGE Asset Management, LP

DesignationsMinimum asset threshold
Registered Investment AdvisorN/A
Firm CRD NumberNumber of advisors

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Pricing options

Monthly Fee
Flat Fee
Hourly Fee
Assets Under Management

Regulatory filings